Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Testament

This week I took the time to read John Grisham's book The Testament.  If you have not read this book I strongly encourage taking the time to read it.  It truly is a page turner that leads to a lot of self-reflection specifically around our struggles and the purpose behind our lives.

The book tells the story of a family squabbling over the fortune that their estranged and deceased father might have left for them.  In the midst of children and ex-wives fighting every addiction and sin known to man there is a beacon of hope in a very remote area.  A lawyer who is struggling with his own demons is sent to find this beacon of hope.  Through out his search he deals with his own demons and finds forgiveness, reconciliation and a new reason to keep on keeping on.

For me the book provided an adventure.  Not just an adventure through the most remote places in the world, but also the remote places of my soul.  As the characters admitted, denied and struggled with their own demons "The Stumbling Messenger" dealt with his own and reflected on where the beacon of hope might lead.  The last few chapters made me anticipate how we are all called to deal with our own demons and how dealing with them is a beacon of hope to others.

Every character in the book had issues.  Some were hid better than others.  Two of them became beacons of hope for others.  After 400+ pages I hope to do the same...I think you will too.

If you want to borrow the book I have it in my office...their is a catch if you borrow and finish we need to get coffee and discuss.  I'll buy.

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