Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Ripple is Better Than a Splash

I grew up around a pool.  I swam from fourth grade through college and since I was one of the bigger guys on the team (I had a lot muscle :)) I loved being challenged to a biggest splash contest.  There is something about doing a cannonball off a high dive that is extremely thrilling, but I never got up the nerve to try and win Wendy Peffercorn over like Squints did in The Sandlot.

There is something awe inspiring about a big splash, but I've learned that ripples are more important.  They spread further and effect more area than the splash could ever cover.  I was on a boat once in the Ohio River when a barge passed by.  The barge was powerful and got my attention, but the ripple almost flipped my boat!

Splashes in evangelism are rarely effective.  Moving by are the days of crusades, revivals and door to door pestering and many groups and churches are scrambling to see what trend will take over next.  Meanwhile those that aren't that intersted anyway are annoyed by gimics and trends.

In Matthew 10 Jesus first sends the disciples out to their neighborhoods.  Check out Matthew 10.

A couple of years ago we went over to the school in our neighborhood and found the Family Resource Coordiantor.  (Note...if you are trying to reach out to a neighboring school don't go to the principal...go to the Family Resource Coordinator...they always want help.  Let the Family Resource Coordinator introduce you to the principal.)  We asked one question:  What is your schools biggest need?  The answer was "khaki pants."  I thought the person might say tutoring, money, school supplies...anything but khaki pants.  The kids in the school were required to wear khakis, but many cold not afford the pants so over the next two weeks our church raised over 200 pairs of khaki pants! 

Our follow through did not stop there.  200 pairs of khaki pants turned into mentoring and tutoring students, providing meals and chaplains for sports teams, inviting girls from the school to our church for free primping, haircuts, etc before prom and being known in the school as "the church that can get stuff done."  My favorite comment from a staff member was, "Pastor...I don't like church, but I like your church."  Students who work in the businesses around the school have met some of our church members and thanked them for all the work they do for the school

I'd love to tell you that every teacher and family from this school attends our church after two years of being deeply invested.  I have to admit that we have not had one new member from our outreach to this school.  I struggled with this for awhile, but then my wise wife told me that sometimes it is more important to just get the people in the church out of the church than to get the people out of the church into the church. 

Little did I know that God had even more in mind with our ministry to these schools.  Through being in consistent ministry and developing trust the schools have allowed us to use their facilities to run Upward Soccer in the spring and fall.  Over 500 people gather on Saturday on the school grounds to play soccer and be encouraged to take their next step in their walk with Christ.  All of this started with a simple question and a simple answer.  Khaki pants lead to the church being able to share the love of Christ with close to 1,000 of families, staff and students on a weekly basis.

So many times we want to make a big splash because it makes headlines, warms our hearts and grabs Wendy Peffercorn's attention.  It is hard work to have a constant ripple effect on a community, but it always leads to greater results.  Even if it flips your boat over.

What are some cool things your group or church is doing to engage your community?

1 comment:

  1. Oh...we had our first visitor from Waggener Sunday...close to two years of plowing the ground...
